Two hikers were walking through the woods when, suddenly, they encountered a huge, angry bear, ready to devour them. The first hiker immediately bent down to tighten his shoelaces – obviously ready to make a run for it. The second hiker looked at his companion in disbelief and yelled “What the hell are you doing? You can’t possibly outrun a bear!” The first hiker, having tightened his shoelaces, took off at a brisk sprint and yelled over his shoulder “I don’t have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you!”

The point of this business fable is simple. In crisis scenarios, organizations that “tighten their shoelaces” and take bold, decisive and agile steps have a better chance of surviving than organizations that throw up their hands in despair and do nothing.

While your business may not be able to singlehandedly go toe-to-toe against a bear of a crisis and wrestle it to the ground, you can win the day by outrunning competitors who may be slower to react. The same principle is true in business. The organizations most likely to survive health crises, financial downturns, destructive acts of nature and other challenges may not necessarily be the biggest, the most well-funded or the ones with the highest stock prices. The organizations that survive will be the ones that adapt most quickly to the changes in the market and to the needs of their employees and customers.

This webinar is designed to help provide the members of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) with practical tips on how they can defend and grow their brands during the current crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and how they can proactively prepare for potential crisis in the future.

Session Outlines
This session will cover the following key concepts that will be “brought alive” by utilizing practical examples and stories of companies that have defended and grown their brands by ‘tightening their shoelaces’:

  • Adapt or die!
  • Sharpen your branding ‘Axe’
  • Start with the end in mind
  • It takes a ‘village’ to raise a brand
  • Change the battlefield: Repurpose, reinvent and Re-engineer
  • Repositioning your organization? Align your HR and marketing teams
  • Watch your step!

Speaker’s Profile
Ron Johnson,
Co-Founder and Managing Director of Blueprint Creative

Ron Johnson is co-founder and Managing Director of Blueprint Creative, one of the Caribbean’s leading strategic branding agencies. Ron has over a decade of practical, hands-on experience helping companies build stronger brands and stronger businesses. While Ron is passionate about all aspects of branding, he is especially passionate about helping companies build company cultures where hard work, fun and profitability can happily co-exist.

Registration closing date: 9 March 2021, 6.00 p.m.

Registration Fee:
MII Members: Complimentary
Non Members: RM 50.00


Scan the QR Code to register.


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