Looking to advertise your products to a more targeted audience and reach
thousands of people while you’re at it?
Here’s your opportunity to promote and advertise your products and services
to the insurance fraternity. Published every quarter of the year, the INSURANCE
Magazine is produced and managed by The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII)
and is available as a printed magazine, e-magazine and online magazine. Our
readership reach includes all MII members (over 30,000 members), industry
associations, partners and affiliates within Malaysia and abroad.
- Targeted reach
The entire insurance fraternity
Credible publisher
INSURANCE magazine production is managed fully
inhouse by MII
Large readership base and growing
Over 30,000 readers every Issue
Comes in three formats
Each Issue is available as printed magazine,
e-magazine and online magazine via
- Added value
Get one (1) FREE online access to the INSURANCE
e-Magazine when you advertise with us
Repeated exposure
Four (4) issues produced and distributed every year