Congratulatory Message

Ms. Shalini Pavithran

Chief Executive Officer of The Malaysian Insurance Institute

Congratulations, MII graduates!

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you, our Class of 2020 and Class of 2021!

On behalf of the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII), I would like to congratulate each of you, our 1,271 graduates, who have successfully completed your professional programme for the years 2020 and 2021. In the absence of a formal, in-person graduation ceremony in keeping with the times that we are in now, I hope you will be attending the virtual graduation ceremony. An exciting agenda has been planned for the day.

As we celebrate your success, I am reminded of the research by the famous psychologist, Dr. Angela Duckworth, that found that what drives success at work and in life is GRIT and not how smart you are, or the score you earned on your exams. Grit is that special blend of passion and perseverance that motivates you to overcome obstacles, to face challenges head on, to not give up, no matter what. As you graduate today, it is proof that within each of you resides an inner strength, a determination, GRIT, that not only got you here today, but will enable you to overcome every challenge you face in the future.

Embarking on a professional programme is challenging, even during the best of times. The progress you have made and success you have earned during a global pandemic is nothing short of amazing. You should be very proud, not just of your achievement today, but also of your resilience, ability to adapt and determination to leverage the new ways of learning to complete your professional programme. We commend you for your dedication and support as we navigated through this uncharted territory together.

While much has changed in our world over the past couple of years, as emerging business leaders you have the opportunity to help the industry overcome the challenges of both today and tomorrow, and to invent a new and better future for all of us. The hard work and dedication you have shown throughout your journey with us will continue to serve you well throughout your professional career.

I wish you strength, courage, and resilience as you continue your journey ahead. We hope that the skills, resources, fellowships and network built and knowledge that you have acquired through your study with us will help you harness the opportunities that await you to achieve greater heights.

On behalf of the Board, faculty and staff of the Malaysian Insurance Institute, congratulations graduates! I am extremely proud of each one of you. Not even a global pandemic could stand in the way of you achieving your dreams. I look forward to seeing you at the virtual ceremony.

Stay safe, take care, and best wishes for your future.

Thank you.

Ms. Shalini Pavithran