Embracing Change, Accelerating Growth
Completed MII's Professional Certification Programme
Completed MII's Agent's Licensing Examinations
Industry professionals attended MII programmes/exams
Graduates of the
Fellowship of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (FMII)
Graduates of the Diploma (DMII) / Associateship
of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (AMII) Level 1
Graduates of the Associateship
of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (AMII)
MII Members
Individual Members
Institutional Members & Institutional Affiliate Members
Subscribers of MII's e-Learning Module
Textbooks Published
Total Visitor of MII Library / Digital Library
The pandemic has taught us the importance of consistently communicating with our customers and ensuring customer needs are met despite the numerous challenges. MII has embraced the customer-first mindset by establishing new and improved customer service processes through applications of digital solutions and tools, in line with our transformation initiatives.
We recognise our staff as our most important resource and because of that we are committed to consistently upgrade their competencies and skills through training and development. As we accelerated the pace of our digital transformation and placed greater reliance on technologies, we needed to ensure that our people are trained to operate them correctly and work alongside them efficiently. During the pandemic, employee engagement became one of the most prominent primacies due to the lockdown and remote working arrangement. Through active and effective engagement, we ensure suitable and adequate training programmes are provided to all employees to further strengthen and expand their knowledge and skills. These efforts are aligned with the mandate entrusted upon us as a professional body and training provider for the insurance industry.