#LearningNeverStops Webinar Series
(Upcoming Sessions)

#LearningNeverStops Webinar Series comprise of curated webinar sessions conducted and supported by MII as well as other industry experts. The topics in our webinar sessions are selected on its relevance to the industry in current situations and ones that can help us gain and apply knowledge for a better future.

Understanding and Insuring Marine Vessel Part 2

28 September, 15 October & 2 November 2021  
11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. (MY Time) (Timezone Converter)


Hull & Machinery insurance is a significant subject because ships sail around the world, they are owned by people of diverse cultures, they operate in different weather conditions, they carry different cargoes; and the vessels are built to a variety of different standards and operated by individuals and companies with many different skill sets. In addition to this, the many clauses used all around the world, maritime law, general average, and all the different conventions that may (or may not) apply – makes for an interesting career and is not something that can be learned quickly.

This 12-session series will largely benefit personnel in the beginner and intermediate levels. Those in the beginner level will be able to understand the basics of the maritime industry and those in the intermediate level will gain from some topics as refresher and get a better understanding of the overall subject. Specifically, session 12 looks at the drilling contractor’s mobile equipment offering a brief insight into another industry based at sea – the search for different sources of energy.

Session 1 - Passenger Vessels Plus General Average, Sue & Labour, And Salvage Contracts Including Lloyd’s Open Form.
28 September 2021, 11.00 A.M. - 12.30 P.M.

This session offers a mix of topics about the various exposures presented by passenger vessels, both large and small, before moving on to explaining the unique concept of General Average and how it operates and finally Sue & Labour and Salvage Contracts; and how the unique Lloyd’s Open Form “no cure no pay” concept works.

Session 2 - Dredgers Plus Vessel Classification, Survey and Seaworthiness - The Issues.
15 October 2021, 11.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Dredgers come in all shapes and sizes and utilize both high tech and low tech methods of dredging. The presenter will demonstrate this clearly before moving on to the subjects of vessels classification and surveys; and why they are important before finally tackling the many issues surrounding a “seaworthiness” warranty, if it is not worded carefully.

Session 3 - Livestock Carriers and The Importance of Understanding How and Insurance Policy Operates.
2 November 2021, 11.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Livestock carriers present underwriters with the unusual risk of a cargo that moves. The presenter will discuss about this vessel from the underwriter’s perspective before delving into some of the key technical points in the marine insurance business including the Insurance Act 2015, Broker’s slips, Law and Jurisdiction, Arbitration, the possible extent of liability under a marine hull policy; and the importance of understanding how an insurance policy operates in the eyes of the law.

Session 4 - Fishing Vessels, Log Carriers Plus the Importance of Maintenance.
16 November 2021, 11.00a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Fishing vessels is a large topic. The presenter will show the different types of fishing vessels and how different methods of fishing works, and the sensitive subject of sustainability. This is followed by discussion on Log Carriers and the issues they present, and the importance of vessel maintenance.

Session 5 - Coal Carriers, Cement Carriers Plus Loss of Hire Insurance
11 January 2022, 11.00a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Coal carriers and cement carriers present their own unique risks to underwriters. The presenter will explain how these vessels operate and how the risks they present should be dealt with. This is then followed by a discussion about Loss of Hire where the presenter will explain the concept behind the coverage, some of the wordings in the market that are available, and how the coverage is usually rated.

Session 6 - Asphalt Tankers, Power Barges, Lift Boats Plus Disbursement and Mortgagee’s Interest Insurance.
18 January 2022, 11.00a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

This session is a varied session about the risks associated with Asphalt tankers, power barges and Lift boats. The concepts of both Disbursements & Increased Value insurance and Mortgagee’s Interest Insurance will be covered; as well as the benefits these coverages both offer to the ship owner and banks respectively.

Session 7 - Offshore Oil & Gas Business.
25 January 2022, 11.00a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

This is the final session in the series where the presenter will focus on offshore oil and gas business. In this session the will talk about the drilling contractor’s equipment, namely the Jack-up drilling rig, the Semi-submersible drilling rig, and the Drillship; explaining how each of the vessels operates and how they differ in their method, capability, cost, and mobility.

Speaker’s Profile
Mark Stevens
Managing Director
Coastal Marine Asia Holdings Limited

Mark Stevens has been working in the international insurance market since 1972. After 20 years as a marine and offshore energy broker at Lloyd’s in London, he moved to Kuala Lumpur in 1993 to set up an office for a Lloyd’s broker. In 2003, he moved to Jakarta as President Director for one of the world’s mega brokers and later joined the Management Board of one of the leading insurers in Jakarta.

Mark was one of the three founders of Coastal Marine Asia Limited in 2012, an underwriting and broking company.

  • An Overview of Risk Management and Insurance for the Shipowner
  • An Overview of the Insurances for the Offshore Oil Gas Industry
  • An Overview of the Insurances for Large Onshore Construction Projects

Mark Stevens,
Managing Director Coastal Marine Asia Holdings Limited

MII Webinar Series

Certification in Mastering Sales

26 October, 19 & 30 November, 9 & 14 December 2021  
10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (MY Time) (Timezone Converter)

Certification for Sales Professionals

Session 1: Referred Lead Prospecting & Appointment Scheduling
26 October 2021, 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (MY Time)

This webinar is designed for Agents and Sales Leaders (Mgt.). It includes valuable insights into why Personal Introduction Referrals are the Preferred Prospecting Choice in today’s retail market. Other discussion areas include the following:

  • A proven referred lead presentation with a psychological study as to why each of the 10-step process is critical to obtaining favourable referrals
  • Keys to converting referred leads into favourable and easier sales appointments
  • Statistical data on industry research
  • Virtual prospecting during Covid – Tips for success

Further Information:
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3lIcOL9

Session 2: The Facts of Fact Finding for The Professional Advisor
19 November 2021, 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (MY Time)

No sale and no long-term client relationship can be developed without the successful and professional completion of a Fact Finder.

Join this webinar to learn about "The facts of fact finding for the professional advisor" and realize the benefits of building trusting relationships and a referral system to enhance your practice.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the 4 elements of a professional Fact Finder discussion.
  • Develop thought and emotion provoking questions to use during the fact-finding experience.
  • Implement a professional Fact-Finding process, and build a trusting relationship with prospects/clients.

Further Information:
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3DxflA5

Session 3: Client Building
30 November 2021, 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (MY Time)

Building a practice of clients with a foundation based on trust and professionalism is the mission of all advisors.

Join us to "discover" the process for successful execution!

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the KASH – Knowledge, Aptitude, Skills and Habits – required to build a large client base.
  • Recognize the partnership between “Activity Management and Performance” in your client building initiatives.
  • Implement a "Client acquisition and Client building" system based on your soft skills, and the steps needed to develop a winning organization and culture.

Further Information:
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3gPqum8

Certification for Sales Professionals: RM 250 /USD 75 (Normal Fee: RM 285.00/USD 85)*

Certification for Sales Leader

Session 4: Recruiting For Success
9 December 2021, 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (MY Time)

This webinar is for Sales Leaders and will provide valuable insights into a proven recruiting method and proper selection of new agents to build a successful sales team in today's covid retail market

Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3AutY5d
Registration closing date: 29 November 2021, 6.00 p.m.

Session 5: Coaching Effectiveness in The Virtual Era
14 December 2021, 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. (MY Time)

In today's complex environment, it is necessary to update and master the skills and mindset to build a relationship of trust and synergy, based on respect and equality, through which to inspire motivation and commitment.

Learning Objective

  1. Foundations of Effective Virtual Coaching.
  2. Identify the types of Coaching and the Principles that drive it today.
  3. How to positively influence others in Complex Environments.

Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3Ao91Jc
Registration closing date: 8 December 2021, 6.00 p.m.

Certification for Sales Leaders: RM 150 / USD 50 (Normal Fee: RM 190/USD 60)*

Speaker’s Profile
Bill McDermott
​Global Performance Solutions Group – Managing Partner & Lead Consultant

Bill has over 30 years of experience in Sales and Marketing in the domestic and international Financial Services markets. Having begun his career as a producer, his success in Sales and Marketing has landed him roles as a Managing Director, Chief Agency and Chief Marketing officers.

Bill’s experience includes working in over 15 countries of which 17 years were spent living in South East Asia where he builds and grows Agency Distribution organizations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea and the Philippines. He was a frequent speaker and coach at Asia-Pacific industry meetings such as GAMA and MDRT.

Bill has also served on the NAIFA – Chicago, Illinois, USA Executive Board – and has won numerous industry awards over the past 15 years as a Field Executive. A graduate of Midland University in Nebraska, USA, Bill has also earned the prestigious LIMRA Leadership Institute Fellowship (LLIF) designation from LIMRA International and the University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business.

John Lensi
​Global Performance Solutions Group – Managing Partner & Lead Consultant

John has a unique blend of industry experience in the insurance and financial services industry spanning four decades, which includes Sales, Wholesaling, Sales Management, Field Sales Support, Producer & Management Training Development Head, Sales Executive Leadership, and Consulting. He has an extensive track record of building and leading sales teams across eight different distribution channels.

John is known as a business development ‘architect’ for having built numerous sales teams, training platforms, developed alternate distribution and sales support infrastructures. He has earned numerous awards over his career, authored a number of trade journal articles, and has been a frequent speaker at industry meetings.

During his distinguished career, he has served as industry chairperson of the Agent & Management Development Committee and as a member of the Advanced Markets Committee for LIMRA International. John is also one of the founding leaders of the International Association of Registered Financial Planners, established to set high industry standards for financial planning professionals. He has obtained six professional designations in addition to his Undergraduate Degree in Business Administration from Central Connecticut State University.

Registration Fee:
Certification for Sales Professionals:

  • Session 1: Referred Lead Prospecting & Appointment Scheduling
  • Session 2: The Facts of Fact Finding for The Professional Advisor
  • Session 3: Client Building

RM 250.00 (USD 75.00)
*Normal Fee RM 285.00 (USD 85.00)

Click HERE to register

Certification for Sales Leaders:

  • Session 4: Recruiting For Success
  • Session 5: High Impact Sales Coaching

RM 150.00 (USD 50.00)
*Normal Fee RM 190.00 (USD 60.00)

Click HERE to register

Certification in Mastering Sales.

Register for all 5 sessions to obtain the Certification in Mastering Sales.

RM 399.00 (USD 99.00)

Click HERE to register

Individual Session:

You may choose to sign up for individual sessions based on your interest. The link to register is available above session’s information.

*RM 95.00 (USD 25.00)

To register, please refer to the details of the sessions above.


Bill McDermott
​Global Performance Solutions Group – Managing Partner & Lead Consultant


John Lensi
​Global Performance Solutions Group – Managing Partner & Lead Consultant

MII Webinar Series

Insurance Moneyball: Winning in The Digital Age of Insurance

28 October 2021  
12.00 p.m. (EST Time) (Timezone Converter)

Insurers have been masters of data for centuries. Data continues to be the lifeblood of the industry. But dramatic changes in the industry from the types of risk, new sources of data, contributory data, advanced and embedded data, and analytics are putting many insurers behind the curve — aware of the promise and potential of these advances but stuck in their traditional methods made up of silos of internal data and dated analytic techniques. In many ways, it is similar to the now-famous story of the Oakland A’s in the book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis. Similar to insurers stuck in centuries-old business assumptions, Moneyball shows that the centuries-old collective wisdom of baseball insiders was subjective, flawed, and did not keep up with a 21st-century reality.

That changed with a forward-thinking data analyst and statistician who uncovered better indicators for success, which often contradicted long-held business assumptions and historical beliefs, but proved to be an organizational winner … helping the Oakland A’s assemble a competitive team that took them to the playoffs against teams who spent far more money on players.

The same thing is happening in insurance today. Forward-thinking companies – startups and existing – are leveraging new sources of data and using sophisticated analytics to reinvent insurance.

These companies are positioning themselves to be the market leaders in a new digital era of insurance. They are recognizing the relationship to game theory regarding their risk models, operating models, and more. Data and analytics is a key enabler to provide risk products and services personalized for each customer.

This webinar will discuss this rapid shift and the increased importance of data and analytics including contributory data, AI/ML models, and ecosystem of partners that provide new insights across the entire value chain. It will discuss what leading insurers are doing and provide insight into what Majesco is doing to accelerate this transition for the insurance industry.

It is a new age for insurance … are you ready to join? If so, join us for this insightful webinar.

Denise Garth, Chief Strategy Officer - Majesco
Pat Davis, Senior Executive, Data & Analytics Business Unit & Loss Control 360 - Majesco
Ed Rogers, Head of Data Science - Majesco
Marty Ellingsworth, Senior Analyst - Celent



Majesco Webinar Series

Directors & Officers (D&O) Claims, Wordings and Trends

2 November 2021  
4.30 p.m. (MY/SG Time), 9.30 a.m. (UK Time) (Timezone Converter)

A perspective to D&O claims where participants will understand the trends and wordings with a case study approach

Speaker’s Profile

Nicholas La Stella
Director and Head of Specialty Lines
Charles Taylor Adjusting

Nicholas La Stella has over 15 years of experience as a loss adjuster handling a wide range of Professional and Financial Lines claims globally, including major and complex D&O. During his career he was based in Miami (USA), London (UK), Rome (Italy) and now Barcelona (Spain). Nicholas is multilingual in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Laura O’Bree
Associate Director – Professional & Financial Lines.
Charles Taylor Adjusting

Laura O’Bree, Barrister (2005) & Solicitor (2010) specializes in commercial litigation. She has worked in-house as a financial lines claims adjuster and wordings counsel for major international insurers/reinsurers. She has also dealt with complex multi-jurisdictional claims at every stage from notification through to mediation, litigation and settlement.


Nicholas La Stella
Director and Head of Specialty Lines
Charles Taylor Adjusting


Laura O’Bree
Associate Director – Professional & Financial Lines.
Charles Taylor Adjusting

MII Webinar Series

Introduction to Catalina/Asia Capital Reinsurance (ACR)

2 November 2021  
4.00 p.m. (MY/SG Time) (Timezone Converter)

Catalina/ACR is a leading specialist non-life run-off consolidator. The webinar's objective is to provide the LIIA members with a better understanding by introducing the non-life run-off consolidation and legacy reinsurance. The key areas covered will include;

  • What are non-life legacy or run-off portfolios and why would insurers/reinsurers want to consider solutions for them;
  • Types of retrospective reinsurance solutions and deal structures (LPT, ADC, portfolio novation, corporate acquisition) and considerations for each;
  • Benefits to cedant and sellers;
  • Overview of Catalina’s transaction process - timing and the steps undertaken;
  • Loss portfolio transfer case study
  • Key market developments in US/UK/Continental Europe and Asia; and
  • A brief overview of Catalina and our track record.

Speaker’s Profile

Mayur Patel
Catalina Head of M&A and Reinsurance Transactions |

Mayur graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1997 with concentrations in Actuarial Science and Corporate Finance.

Between 1997 and 1999 he worked as an analyst in the Financial Institutions M&A group at Solomon Smith Barney, involved in various insurance transactions relating to private equity and strategic acquirers.

He joined Greenwich Street Capital Partners (‘GSC’) in New York in 1999 as an Associate working for their Private Equity/Distressed Debt fund. 

In 2001, he moved to London to help establish GSC’s European Mezzanine operations. He moved back to New York in 2006 as Managing Director of the Structured Finance Group at GSC. Between 1999 and 2006, Mayur was actively involved in the management of Dukes Place Holdings Ltd, a vehicle set up by GSC in 1998 to acquire non-life insurance/reinsurance companies in run-off. He was involved in the acquisition by Dukes Place of Stonewall Insurance Company from Great American Insurance Company in 2000 and led the acquisitions of Norwich Winterthur Reinsurance Company (renamed Cavell Insurance) from Norwich Union Holdings Ltd in 2003 and Cirrus Reinsurance Company Ltd. from Oslo Re in 2004.

He joined JC Flowers & Co. in London in 2007 as Vice President within their financial services private equity funds. He joined Catalina in April 2009 to lead its acquisitions in the non-life insurance/reinsurance run-off sector globally.

Mayur was a non-executive director of Stonewall Insurance Company and Cavell Insurance, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cirrus Reinsurance Company Ltd. He was a non-executive director of two other Dukes Place acquisitions – Unione Italiana Reinsurance Company (UK) Ltd and Seaton Insurance Company. The total assets of Dukes Place exceed $1.2 billion at its peak. In 2006, he led the sale of all Dukes Place investments to Enstar Group Limited.


Mayur Patel

Catalina Head of M&A and Reinsurance Transactions

LIIA Webinar Series

Leveraging Zendrive’s Mobility Risk Intelligence (MRI) platform throughout the customer journey

15 November 2021  
1.00 p.m. (SG Time) (Timezone Converter)

Hear from Zendrive and its clients how their device-agnostic platform is transforming auto-insurance through smarter risk intelligence, advanced risk modeling, and personalized client experiences & services.

Please fill in your details to register for this webinar. Upon successful registration you will receive an email invite along with instructions to join the webinar.

If you are a first time user give yourself a little time to download the software to access the webinar. You may want to enter 5 minutes before the webinar start to login and make sure everything is working well. If you cannot arrange for a good broadband connection you may prefer to use the dial in option that is available.

Please refer to our terms and conditions page for full privacy policy.


The Digital Insurer Webinar Series

Future-Proofing Technological Innovations for a Resilient Net-Zero Economy | Recording

The world has big expectations for COP26 in November, and we geared up for this pivotal dialogue in partnership with the OECD. 'Future-Proofing Technological Innovations for a Resilient Net-Zero Economy' explored the new technologies and systems needed to achieve net-zero targets and the role of insurers in de-risking and financing the transition.

For this special, high-level conference we were honoured to welcome the following speakers:

◾ Special adresses

Patricia Espinosa (UNFCCC), Charles Brindamour (Intact), Jeffrey Schlagenhauf (OECD), Tsuyoshi Nagano (Tokio Marine), Yoshihiro Kawai (OECD)

◾ Panel session 1

John T. Colas (Oliver Wyman), Anthony Hobley (Mission Possible Partnership), Leonardo Martinez-Diaz (U.S. Government), Carlota Perez (UCL), John Scott (Zurich Insurance)

◾ Panel session 2

Peter Bakker (WBCSD), Denise Bower OBE (Mott MacDonald), Mark Versey (Aviva Investors), Joachim Wenning (Munich Re), Maryam Golnaraghi


The Geneva Association

Health & Ageing Conference 2021
What will it take to ensure a healthy recovery from COVID-19?

Thursday, 2 December 2021, 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. GMT
Friday, 3 December 2021, 9.00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. GMT (Timezone Converter)

The COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects on our lives. A series of lockdowns has given us a new lens through which to consider our well-being: physical, mental, financial and – more broadly – societal. This shift coincides with a quiet revolution in the life and health insurance industry. As societies are being redefined by demographic and epidemiological developments as well as advancements in medical technology, traditional insurance operating models are coming under pressure to transform in order to remain relevant. All of this is happening against a backdrop of rising consumer expectations and changing attitudes towards businesses, governments, science and technology. The consequences are far-reaching.

The 2021 Health & Ageing Conference will convene stakeholders across and beyond the industry to understand how COVID-19 has changed our perspective on health and ageing and what is needed to rise to the challenges in the aftermath of COVID-19. We will also discuss the major disruptors in the market that will reshape the life and health insurance industry over the coming years.


The Geneva Association

A revolution in pricing, product and profitability

On-demand recording

Exploring future pricing strategies and product innovation in a competitive insurance landscape.

As the insurance industry marches on towards a customer-driven and technology-enabled reality, there is no doubt that competition is becoming fierce among insurers.

In this live panel discussion, you will hear from 4 senior industry experts as they examine how insurers can reassess their product and pricing strategies to ensure long term ROI and ultimately gain a competitive advantage. From better understanding customer purchase behaviour, to exploring the opportunities dynamic pricing opens, this discussion will provide you with the tools needed to advance your product and pricing strategies into the future.


Insurance Innovators Webinars

Intelligent automation: reimagining insurance processes

On-demand recording

Exploring how intelligent workflows and emerging tech can transform carriers, streamline processes and deliver competitive advantage.

The insurance industry has come a long way over the past two decades, yet despite the advances, operational challenges remain today.

In this live panel discussion, you will hear from senior industry experts as they explore how carriers can leverage technology to create streamlined operational workflows. From enhancing AI capabilities to creating seamless employee experiences, join to find out what the carrier of the future will look like.


Insurance Innovators Webinars

Contact Info

The Malaysian Insurance Institute 197701004772 (35445-H),
Level 6, Bangunan AICB,
No. 10 Jalan Dato’ Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

Tel : +603 2712 8882

Email : customercare@mii.org.my

Customer Service Virtual Office: Open from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Mon-Fri

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